Get Started as an Employer

We are home makers and professionals who have experience of working in the public and private sectors and also the not-for-profit and informal sectors of the economy.

© 2024 The Decent Work Project

Terms & Conditions

Service Users (Employers) shall:

1. pay hourly and part time workers fortnightly, by the end of the second and fourth week of every month, and pay full time workers by the 28th of every month

2. pay all workers’ salaries and accompanying charges into the TRARVAS CONSULTS account

3. provide meals as suggested in the Decent Work Conditions of work

4. agree to day offs with the worker

5. provide paid leave as specified in the Decent Work Conditions of Work

6. provide paid maternity leave as specified in the Decent Work Conditions of Work

7. provide accommodation that upholds the dignity of the human person, as specified in the Decent Work Conditions of Work if the care worker would live in full-time or part-time

8. refrain from entering into a separate contractual agreement, which excludes Decent Work, with a worker that Decent Work places in your home or formal work place. If you do, Decent Work would blacklist you in her Database and would not re-admit you.

9. put health and safety precautions in place in your home or institution/organization

10. orient the worker to the ways and means of your own household or office even though Decent Work will train the worker in the demands of their work

11. where applicable, grant the worker a break of 30/45 minutes after five (5) hours of work

12. commit not to inflict physical and emotional abuse on the domestic/care worker

13. commit not to sexually abuse the worker

14. commit to protect the worker from household members who are engaged in alcohol and substance abuse

15. agree that Decent Work should undertake background checks to ascertain that you are not engaged in criminal activities and have no records of physical and sexual abuse of colleagues, household staff and household members

16. agree to get a guarantor who will complete your guarantor form and also respond to questions about you during background checks

17. pay an annual registration fee of N12,000 if an individual and N20,000 if an organization for your name to be included in the Decent Work Database. Decent Work cannot place a domestic/care worker in your home or workplace if we do not have your details in our database. [If you would wish to stagger payment of registration fee, please call and discuss payment plans with the Station Manager in your location]

18. understand that Decent Work will not ask you to pay registration fee if your background check turns up a negative or unclear report

19. agree that Decent Work should share your full name and information about your home/office address and phone number with the worker we place with you.

If you disagree with any of the terms and conditions, please click: I disagree and the system will log you out. You can call the Station Manager of Decent Work who is close to your location to discuss the terms and conditions that you disagree with or are uncomfortable with.

Personal Details

Note: Provide us with every necessary information about you so as to be able to get you what you require.

Decent Works Details

Note: Provide us with every necessary information as required by Decent Works.


Other Necessary Informations

1- Download guarantor form, print and ask your guarantor to complete the form, scan and e-mail to the Decent Work e-mail address for your location

2- This form is to be completed by the guarantor of the employer

3- Members of your household cannot be your guarantor. Your subordinates at work cannot also be your guarantor.

4- Please inform your guarantor that a staff or representative of Decent Work will call him/her to confirm your details and ask about your character.

FTL: Is a full time live-in worker – 8 hrs + 3½/4hrs per day for 30 days (hours are usually extended)

FT: Is a full-time worker who makes daily trips to work – 8hrs per day for 26 days (Mondays – Saturdays)

PTL: A part-time live-in/sleep over worker sleeps over on days s/he is at work - 8 hrs + 3½/4hrs per day for 15 days (hours are usually extended)

PT: Is a part-time worker who makes daily trips to work - 8hrs per day for 14 days

Hrly: Is a worker who does not/cannot work consistently every week and month.

Decent Work encourages service users to ensure that the work environment is safe by:

1. Ensuring that faulty electrical fittings are turned off and the employee duly informed, and the fittings ultimately fixed

2. Actively discouraging employees from operating faulty electrical appliances, or appliances and electronic gadgets which they do not understand

3. Training employees in the use of gas cookers and ensuring all gas points are turned off before the employee lights the gas

4. Providing fire blankets and extinguishers in the kitchen area and instructing employees about how to use them

5. Providing face masks, surgical gloves and disinfectants to staff who are cleaning up for household members who are infirmed or unable to care for themselves and those who become suddenly sick and are showing signs of infection

6. Actively preventing household members who are engaged in alcohol and substance abuse from encroaching on the physical space and bodily integrity of the worker

7. Not slapping, pushing, pulling, beating, kicking and dragging the worker and not recruiting or encouraging others to do so

8. Not verbally and emotionally abusing the worker through ethnic, religious, gender and racial slurs and put-downs and not recruiting or encouraging others to do the same

9. Not asking the worker to go out on a date with her/him and not asking the worker for sexual favours; consent to sex (and sexual acts) and consent to dating the boss, the boss’ family members or the boss’ friends would not be thought of as ‘consent freely given’ by the worker because of unequal power relationship between the worker and the employer. It would be assumed that the service user/family members/friends are exploiting the current circumstance of the employee and that is: sexual exploitation.

10. Ensuring that s/he, members of his/her family and other workers within the household do not force any worker into any sexual acts (rape) or threaten to withhold salaries and benefits if the worker refuses to partake in sexual acts/submit to sexual advances (that is, sexual harassment)

11. Respect the privacy of the worker within the household; this includes not taking ANY photos of the worker and posting on-line

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