
Decent Work shall not be responsible for the actions of service users (employers) and workers which constitute clear violations of the laws of the land and violations of the rights of persons.

Workers and employers who cross the line in respect of the health and safety issues outlined by Decent Work would have to face the law and they should not look to Decent Work for any form of respite or intervention in the aggrieved party’s search for justice.

On our part, during training, Decent Work would raise the health and safety standards highlighted in the ‘Respecting yourself and persons you work/care for and safeguarding your work environment’ section of prospective workers’ application process, as lines workers should just not cross in their relationships with their bosses and vulnerable members of the household.

TRARVAS CONSULT’s DWP does not  accept cash payments and actively discourages payment to staff or consultants’ accounts.   Whoever, in the name of DWP, asks you for cash or encourages you to pay fees/salaries/charges into his/her account is attempting to either defraud you or circumvent our terms and conditions, in order to open you to abuse.