Download Guarantor Form  

  1. Download the guarantor form, print and ask your guarantor to complete the form.
  2. Collect the completed form from your guarantor and submit to the Station Manager of Decent Work during your oral interview at the Decent Work office.
  3. The form is to be completed by the guarantor for the worker please.
  4. Your guarantor could be: your current or former teacher/lecturer/instructor/HEI administrator (who is still in service/who is still working); a religious leader who leads from a specific place of worship; an adult family member who has a known source of livelihood and is not your parent/current guardian or sibling; a government official (whether local, state or federal who is still in service).
  5. Please inform your guarantor that a staff or representative of Decent Work will call him/her to confirm your details and ask about your character.