Application Materials

To begin your application, please make sure you have the following ready:


The electronic copy of a clear recent passport size photograph

A maximum of five relevant documents that have been scanned to pdf files. Examples are:

  1. Birth certificates (compulsory for prospective workers who are younger than 21);
  2. Parental/guardian consent to work (compulsory for prospective workers who are 16 and above, but less than 18). This is not the same as a guarantor form. This category of applicants will still need guarantors
  3. A means of identification; NIN, drivers’ license, verifiable current student ID, or international passport (compulsory for service users and prospective workers);
  4. Verifiable current student’s ID card (compulsory for prospective workers who are students)
  5. Immigration papers/appropriate work permit (compulsory for service users and prospective workers who are non-Nigerians)
  6. Certificates from formal educational institutions and non-formal education activities (essential if prospective workers want to prove they have certain knowledge and skills)

Name, home and office address, occupation/means of livelihood, and phone number of a guarantor.